Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Laugh for the day...

Technology, you have to love it! Well, when it is helpful anyway.

Last summer, while I was on the road for shows, our cell plan came due and we were offered new phones. Not being around, I told my wife to pick something she thought I'd like. She chose a phone similar to my old one, except it was by a different manufacturer. I wasn't overly thrilled, but by the time I figured that out, they no longer allowed an exchange. So I am stuck with this wonderful piece of junk.

I carry my phone in my pocket, so the side buttons are constantly being bumped. I've taken about 300 pictures of the inside of my pants. The other day I had taken eleven before I heard the shutter going off.

Before you tell me I can change the functions of the buttons - sorry, not on this phone. It doesn't allow you to set the features. Can you say cheap?

So today, for perhaps the four hundredth time, I heard a faint: "Say the Command" coming from my pants. I was pretty certain it was the phone. I pulled it out and cleared my throat.
"Text or Picture Message?"
I again cleared my throat.
"Send text message to?"
I cleared my throat really loud.
Apparently the phone did not understand I was being sarcastic and proceeded to set up a text message for my mother.

Nice...there has to be a routine in there somewhere.

I hate this phone.

1 comment:

Bob Conrad said...

Hi Tom;
We seem to be on the same wave length. We both love Jay Johnson and hate our cell phone. Mine also has buttons on the sides, right where a man's hand would pick up the phone. I too take pictures of the inside of my pocket, and turn on the speaker phone everytime I answer it. Who designs these things?