Tuesday, November 9, 2010

College Shows

A week ago I did a showcase at my first APCA college conference. What a blast, great audience, lots of laughs and bookings to boot! A great introduction to the college market.

Monday I arrived in Florida for a Tuesday college luncheon show. I was a bit nervous. This was the first actual show in the market. Prior to my arrival, I read a comment about the show on the college's FaceBook page. The college announced it and someone wrote a disparaging comment about watching the audience walk away from an untalented clown. Were they even going to give me a chance? Didn't sound like it...

Although it was a noon show, it wasn't in the cafeteria. They set it up in a ballroom of the student union. There was concern the crowd would not show up, but they did. The show went well and the crowd grew in size. In all, a very positive experience and Student Activities was happy! So was I.

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