Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's New?

I often get the question - is it going to be the same show?

Do you really want to see something new? When you go to hear your favorite band or singer, would you be upset if they didn't do their hits?

Every show I do is slightly different, based on the fact I use an outline, not a set script. It also depends on the audience, outside factors that work their way into the show and my own state of mind. At a recent event, I changed the show at the request of a client. After the performance, the same client came to me and cried she had a complaint that I didn't do a certain routine. She TOLD me to change things.

People who come to my shows again and again have favorite characters and routines. People who have never seen me before, deserve to see my best material, honed over countless performances.

So what's new?

Well, I just came back from a two day writing retreat with another comedian. During that time I started working on two new characters. The material that developed is in the infant stages. It will take a lot of work to get these characters on stage and to the level of Wilson, Nancy, Dangerous, Patty and George. But when they do - you'll have the chance to see something new. I'll keep you updated.

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