Thursday, April 22, 2010

To See, Or Not To See...

Had my appointment with the Lasik surgeon and have decided to go under the laser.

Reading his information package prior to, I had decided to try Epi-Lasik. The possibilities of the flap issues associated with regular lasik scared the heck out of me. After talking with the doc, he felt I was better off with the lasik, and told me my concerns, while valid, should not be an issue due to my corneas.

The biggest problem is now getting it done! He only schedules Lasik on the second Tuesday of each month. May would have been ideal - but as I mentioned in my last post, I'm now pretty busy that month. So we are scheduled for June. My biggest fear, that there will be an issue. I leave for my summer tour a week later. Doc says not to fear - but he's not the one under the laser...

I'll let everyone know what happens!

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