Sunday, June 14, 2009

Street Performing

With two nights of street vent (8 shows) under my belt - I'm having fun. It is a very different type of performance. Luckily my act is playing well. On the street, you've got plenty of potential distractions, which can really change the comedic timing. I realize to get better at this style, I'll need to work harder on creating material that allows me to ad-lib, yet return to my original script seamlessly.

The fresh air and four - 45 minute shows each evening has put a slight strain on my vocals after the two nights. I'm spending most of each day in my hotel room, resting my voice and catching up on sleep. When awake, I'm working on my show.

It is the curse of being on the road alone. I'm in a great beach location, hotel right on the ocean - and I'm spending my time in a room. Being by myself I don't have as much desire to explore or participate in the activities the vacationers enjoy. Still, the shows and the laughs are worth it!

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