Sunday, July 27, 2008

Playing Favorites

Saturday was a great day - a couple of friends I hadn't seen for quite a while surprised me by stopping by to say hello. That is something I love about fairs - you meet other entertainers and vendors who become an extended family. You never know where you will meet again, but when you do, it is always fun.

My audiences yesterday had plenty of repeats who came early to get a good seat. I sometimes feel like they will want something different so the show will remain fresh for them. As we talked, I found they each had favorite moments and characters they couldn't wait to see again. Some adults were even doing their impressions of my show. A real surprise was when one family told me they caught my show North of here in the beginning of June. They saw my name in the paper and came out to see me. After the show, they asked if I had brought Deeder. Naturally, Deeder made an appearance in the next show.

Well, it is time to get ready, grab some lunch and head to the fairgrounds. I'm looking forward to making people laugh today!

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