Monday, July 14, 2008


I've finally decided to start one my own blog. Hopefully I'll be posting here often - especially when on the road. If you enjoy reading this, feedback is appreciated!

As I write this I have just returned from an 8 day road trip with shows in New York and the coast of New Jersey. It was great to see my wife and son, even if only for a little while. I enjoy doing the shows and traveling, but when I see them again I realize exactly how much I miss them when I'm gone.

Today I am catching up on signing contracts and mailing packages. I am also waiting for car repairs to be finished and laundry to dry so I can pack to leave for my next trip at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. I'll be heading to my friend and vent mentor - Ken Groves' place in Ohio, then Wednesday we will go to Fort Mitchell, KY. for the VentHaven ventriloquist convention.

I'll try to update from the road!

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