Friday, July 25, 2008


Yesterday I checked into the hotel - great room! Its a good thing because I will be spending some time there. Got to the fairgrounds and found out I only had one show at 7:45 pm. The early show was cancelled because the fair wouldn't open until 6:00. That meant a lot of waiting before I went on. The show was very well received and the crowd grew during the act, so I think I'll have fun here.

The scheduling problem came in due to the mid-run replacement. I'm here through Monday, then a hypnotist comes in for the final five days of the run. The hypnotist runs 45 minutes to an hour, I run 30 minutes at a fair. I'm extending to 45 min. for the weekday shows, they add a 3:45 show on the weekends - so I'll return to a 30 minute show those days.

Because of the late afternoon starts, I'm getting some business taken care of in the mornings and working on some video projects I started. In fact, I guess I should get busy or my free time will slip away.

Until tomorrow...

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