Saturday, January 30, 2010


As I write this, I am at the Hilton Gardens in Indianappolis. When I climbed off the plane yesterday it was 18 degrees. But it was a dry cold...

I constantly hear from other ventriloquists about their adventures in the sunny tropics aboard their latest cruise. I get to freeze. That's not to say I don't get to head South, but usually it is the middle of summer when it is so hot you catch fire walking outdoors. Or hurricane season.

The last couple of entries discussed a situation I am currently facing. I'm not certain how much it has improved, but everyone involved seems to be working on it. It will take a lot of time, and patience. In the meantime, I have a corporate show this evening, then fly home to work on things again. I'm tired.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

You've Got To Laugh

There have been some moments of light since my last post. They were shattered by more darkness. It is tough to go on-stage, completely torn inside, and trying to make people laugh.

Last night was about 14 minutes of true accomplishment. I did my job. You've got to laugh, because sadness can overwhelm you. Thankfully last night the audience gave me as much therapy as I was able to provide them.

Right now, I am giving space to someone who needs to do a lot of inner reflection. I am purposely not contacting this person. I'm not sure it is the right move, but it is the only way I can think of to make them think about what can be lost. When I offered my support, they slipped immediately back into old destructive patterns.

I am currently surrounded by long time friends who are providing me their support and I want to thank them. Again and again.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Alcohol Kills

I've read about alcoholism. I've seen the problems it can cause. I've seen extended family members deal with it. This week it finally touched me in a most unpleasant way.

No, its not me personally, but someone very close. Its killing a relationship that I've valued for years. And the truth is, I'm not certain the alcohol is to blame entirely, or if that allowed issues to reach the light of day so they had to be examined. One thing is certain - I'm not looking forward to the period ahead.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Looking Good!

Only a few days in and I've got "flying dates" on my calendar which means I get to travel! I just scheduled the first of my Beach Street dates for the summer. I will be performing there June 11 - 22. If you are interested in visiting Virginia Beach, come and see me then. It's still early - but I've got a good feeling about 2010!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Wow, I am finally just behind the wave! After years of feeling a phone should be a phone, my "personal device" is now able to answer e-mails, check my calendar and surf for trivial information - all with just a touch of my grimy, screen smudging finger. I'll be out of touch for a while until I learn how to use it!